Brian Alexander is a comedy writer, video maker, and recent transplant to Chicago. He is the Brian behind All The Brians, The #1 Leader in Brian Journalism, and writes comedy things for places like Splitsider (Vulture), Someecards, Points in Case, CollegeHumor, National Lampoon, The New Yorker, and Robot Butt.
He got started in live sketch comedy via UCB and Magnet Theaters in New York, wrote for The PIT and LIT house sketch teams, Magnet’s Vortex teams, Ringers shows, and one-off shows all around NYC until 2020. Brian also loves making comedy videos, including “Apartment Quirks,” an official selection of the Austin and Portland Comedy Short Film Festivals, and “Johnny Pockets,” winner of Halleloo Productions’ short film script contest. Most recently, he was Sketch Director of Laugh Index Theatre, directing the Covid-virtual video team with writers & performers in NYC, DC & Chicago.
After graduating from the University of Missouri’s Journalism School, Brian literally rode out the recession as a shuttle van driver in Minneapolis, then lived in the red-light district in Amsterdam, then worked as a copywriter at New York ad agencies before going freelance and doing comedy stuff. He now lives in Chicago because his partner is much smarter than him and got a fancy-pants job here. Brian is very excited to meet funny and nice people in Chicago.
(here’s a recent guest appearance where you can see him nerd out)